速報APP / 健康塑身 / HealthCoin - Walking makes money!

HealthCoin - Walking makes money!





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




HealthCoin - Walking makes money!(圖1)-速報App

It's very easy!

we'll give you a HealthCoin as long as you walk.

Locking screen ads? Inconvenience?

Stab in the back? Not at all.

Take 1,000 steps, 3,000 steps, 6,000 steps,

HealthCoin - Walking makes money!(圖2)-速報App

and 10,000 steps every day to stay healthy and be rich!

This is not all.

Give clean water to children in countries suffering from

drinking water as they walk together 6km a day.

Along with World Vision, we contribute to the global

HealthCoin - Walking makes money!(圖3)-速報App

drinking water problem solution business.

HealthCoin’s Water Supply Business Support

Unit 1 - Vilaspur, India


When the official service is started,

HealthCoin - Walking makes money!(圖4)-速報App

The healthCoin we've collected will be able to convert

to money needed by the exchange service and

give free insurance to those who need medical protection.

Remember, a gift from Blockchain,

Walking makes money! HealthCoin

HealthCoin - Walking makes money!(圖5)-速報App

▶ Easy to use as a simple login.

▶ Daily initial access, 1000steps attainment,

3000steps attainment, 6000steps attainment,

Ten thousand steps attainment for providing healthCoins

▶ After the official service, currency exchange and

HealthCoin - Walking makes money!(圖6)-速報App

free insurance are available.

[HealthCoin Customer Contact]


9F 509, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul,

Public of Korea

HealthCoin - Walking makes money!(圖7)-速報App